Paediatric Asthma and Allergy clinic at Inkosi Albert Luthuli Central Hospital (IALCH), Durban
Inkosi Albert Luthuli Central hospital is a quaternary hospital that receives referrals from hospitals in the Durban complex, regional hospitals in KwaZulu Natal and Eastern Cape.
The allergy clinic is conducted every Tuesday at the paediatric outpatient department at IALCH. Three pulmonology consultants, one pulmonology fellow, three allergy diploma students and two registrars rotating through pulmonology attend this clinic. The consultants take turns to teach the registrars and diploma students. The conditions seen and managed at our clinic include asthma, allergic rhinitis/conjunctivitis, eczema, urticaria/angioedema, food allergy and drug allergy. Patients with complicated diagnoses or poorly controlled allergic diseases are admitted to the pulmonology ward for further investigations and management. The tests offered include ImmunoCap, skin prick tests, blood total IgE, lung function tests and exercise challenge tests.
The clinic operates as part of the pulmonology clinic and as such medical students and registrars from the university of KwaZulu Natal rotating through paediatric pulmonology also benefit from teachings offered at the allergy clinic. Furthermore, the clinic is open to private general practitioners who are willing to write the diploma in allergy and presently we have one. As the clinic grows, we anticipate that more practitioners from the private sector will join and become part of allergy family at IALCH.
For referrals: Contact Paediatric pulmonology registrars at IALCH on 031 240 1478/1479