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Home / Red Cross War Memorial Children’s Hospital Allergy Clinic, Cape Town

Red Cross War Memorial Children’s Hospital Allergy Clinic, Cape Town

Red Cross Allergy Clinic

Red Cross Hospital is a highly specialised health care facility offering tertiary (i.e. subspecialist and specialist) referral services for children from the Southern and Western parts of the Cape Town Metropole.

The paediatric Asthma and Allergy Clinic is situated in the outpatients department and runs clinics 5 days a week. We see and manage a variety of paediatric allergic conditions including asthma, allergic rhinitis, allergic conjunctivitis, food allergy, atopic eczema, urticaria and anaphylaxis. We have combined clinics for non IgE-mediated food allergy with the GIT service and have an adolescent service in conjunction with colleagues from Groote Schuur.  We offer skin prick testing and blood testing for various allergens including aero- and food allergens and have access to formal lung function for our asthmatics. Our nurses are trained to perform lung function tests and to provide education on asthma and allergic diseases.

In addition to the clinical health care service, our clinic offers a platform for medical training and research. We regularly have a variety of medical professionals rotating through our clinic to learn about paediatric allergic diseases, from undergraduate medical students, to registrars training in the fields of paediatrics.  We are the sole site in South Africa registered for training in allergology by the HPCSA.  Our research interests include food allergy, asthma, anaphylaxis, urban and rural epidemiology of allergy, mechanisms of alpha-gal related meat allergy and others.  We perform clinical trials for allergy-related medication in children.  Educational opportunities include our online “allergy in Africa” webinar series, and sponsored training via UCTs African Paediatric Fellowship Programme.

Appointments for our clinic are usually through referrals from other doctors or health care professionals.  For appointments contact –  021 658 5022 or 021 658 5311

Contact Us At  021 658 5022 / 021 658 5311


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