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Home / University of Cape Town certified online allergy training courses

University of Cape Town certified online allergy training courses

by | Jun 7, 2019 | News, Online Training, Training

University of Cape Town certified online allergy training courses

There has been a dramatic rise in allergic diseases both in South Africa and globally in recent years, so much so that we are finding ourselves in the midst of what we may call an ‘allergy epidemic ‘.  It is estimated that 1 in 3 people will suffer from some allergic disease during their life, 40% of allergy sufferers are children and that approximately 1 in 40 children suffer from a food allergy.  South Africa has the 3rd highest asthma death rate in the world (statistics taken from the latest Global Asthma Network report 2018) yet well managed asthmatics should be able to live a normal life.

We are duty bound to help protect patients!

The AFSA Learning Academy was officially launched as a vehicle to provide online training courses to help sufferers and YOU – who support them.

Our initial project was the UCT certified training of nurses in all Dis-Chem Clinics countrywide, and the training of medical officers in primary and secondary level state sector of the Western Cape.

We have now developed a range of UCT certified programmes aimed at Doctors, Pharmacists, Nurses, Dietitians and further programmes for the Food Industry and for Schools – for both teachers and pupils.

We are in the process of developing Mobile Apps for easy reference and in addition, allergy awareness online programmes for Corporates and the General Public.

Please visit the AFSA Store  to see the available courses and pricing for Medical professionals and Dietitians. We encourage you to self-register and pay online. We need you to be allergy aware!

Please contact for a full list of other available online course-ware.

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