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Home / Asthma and Diet

Asthma and Diet

by | Sep 5, 2018 | Allergy Tip, Asthma, Prevention, Research

Asthma and Diet

According to a study recently published in the European Respiratory Journal, adults with asthma who eat a diet rich in fruit, vegetables and whole grains experience fewer asthma symptoms, and tend to have improved control over their condition. Adult asthma sufferers who consume an unhealthy diet high in meat, salt and sugar tend to have the poorest outcomes. The lead researcher, Dr Roland Andrianasolo, states that although this research is inconclusive, it does strengthen the evidence on the role a healthy diet plays in the management of asthma symptoms in adults. This reinforces the need for a holistic approach, which includes diet, when treating patients with asthma and inflammatory conditions in general.

Some tips to increase fruits, vegetables and wholegrains into your diet:

  • Add some fruit, especially berries to your yoghurt or breakfast cereal.
  • Substitute white bread for wholegrain or brown bread, and white wraps for wholegrain wraps.
  • Eat a fruit with some nuts as snack. An apple with a few almonds for example.
  • Grate vegetables such as carrots and courgettes into pasta sauces.
  • Substitute white rice for brown rice.
  • Add a tin of beans or chickpeas to meat stews, soups and curries.
  • Enjoy a few meat free meals every week. Beans, lentils and chickpeas are great substitutes that are high in fibre and protein.
  • Keep some chopped raw vegetable in the fridge such as peppers, celery, cucumber and carrots that are available for a quick snack. Dip in some cottage cheese or hummus to make it more interesting.
  • Aim for a colourful plate of food. Eat a rainbow!


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