AFSA News – June 2019
Bola Awotedu Training Fellowship
We congratulate Dr. Busi Mahlaba for being awarded the Bola Awotedu Training Fellowship to the value of R20,000. And many thanks to all the medical professionals who applied – we appreciate your interest.
The Allergen Baker offering Baking Courses in Cape Town
What you get:
- Course for children (7-12 yrs old). 3hrs for R300.
The recipe for the biscuits you made.
3 different types of biscuits (Chocolate, Red Velvet and Gingerbread man/lady).
All of the above catered to specific allergies.
- Adult course on bread making. 3 hours for R900 .
You walk away with 2 loaves of bread (white or brown loaf) and focaccia.
The recipe.
Dates and times tbc – (All courses on a Saturday)
For more information please email or see